Produced and Hosted by The National Association of College Stores

Invite Campus Colleagues

Invite Your Campus Colleagues

Take the initiative! Use the examples/phrases below in your invitations to specific departments on your campus.

Help people understand why they should attend with you.

To Your Library

  • TAC is a great way to strengthen bonds with store colleagues, learn about course materials from the store and vendor perspectives, and network with others who are managing inclusive/equitable access programs.
  • The campus store and the library share common goals in creating universal student access to course materials. 
  • The programs and innovations librarians have developed are central to the strategies discussed at TAC. 
  • Explore successful OER content creation and implementation: planning, coordination, and management by faculty, librarians, academic services, and campus stores. 

To Your Faculty & Academic Department Staff

  • Explore ways to enhance the role of faculty in selecting course materials
  • Understand the relationships between campus stakeholders re course materials strategies
  • Learn about the benefits of new digital options, custom materials and OER
  • Connect with publishers and service providers directly related to course materials distribution

To Your Students & Student Organization Leaders

  • Understand the key topics and processes for selecting and adopting course materials
  • Participate in (and influence) key textbook affordability discussions by contributing insights as applicable (attendees want to hear from you!
  • Develop networking skills and experience with various business relationships
  • Free lunch!

To Your LMS Administrators, Instructional Designers, & IT Staff

  • Explore the impact of technology on student success, such as AI and other digital innovations
  • Collaborate with campus stakeholders and participate in thought-provoking discussions

To Your Campus Administration

  • Understand the role campus stores have in creating and coordinating affordability strategies
  • Seek ways to create student success through collaborative (cross-departmental) affordability initiatives
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